Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Review this page for the latest impacts on worship & other Grace UMC activities.

We are only mandating masks in one section of the sanctuary. We are balancing public safety concerns with personal responsibility. Remember also that online worship is a great option for anyone concerned about Covid exposures in public settings.

  • Grace now offers two morning worship services in the Sanctuary at 9 AM and 11 AM and both are streamed live on our Facebook page, with a link to the Facebook services also posted on the website Sermons page. The 9 AM service is utilizes both traditional and contemporary elements and the 11 AM has transitioned to a Modern Style Service. Check out both and choose the one you and your family like best.
  • At 10 AM each Sunday, between the two services, we have small group options for all ages, including our Children’s time with Ms. Niki that continues with Children’s church at 11 AM.
  • We also are holding our gathering for all ages called “The Five” in the Fellowship Hall or outdoors on the church grounds each Sunday evening at 5 PM.
  • For those who choose to wear a mask, for any reason, you are welcome to sit anywhere within the sanctuary. We will also offer a dedicated mask-only seating section on the east side of the sanctuary in front of the organ. We are trying to ensure that everyone who steps foot on our campus or in our buildings has a way to feel safe when they are here.
  • When in-person communion is offered, participation is optional. Those who want to participate in communion will approach the server and hold out one hand to receive their bread dipped in juice, which they should wait to eat until they’ve returned to their seat. Servers will be wearing gloves.
  • Congregational singing returned May 1, 2021, so feel free to sing along if you wish.

How to Watch Sunday Worship, Video Devotionals & Sunday School

Worship will be streamed on the church Facebook page each Sunday at 9 AM and 11 AM unless the service time has been changed as noted on the Events Calendar. View weekly video devotionals and Sunday School lessons on Facebook.

Let us know

Please notify the church by calling 321-452-2420 if you test positive for Covid, especially after attending a service or other activity at Grace. We want to assist with any needs you may have, add you to our prayer list, and also carefully monitor any potential exposures for others.

If you have tested positive, we look forward to your return to in-person activities at Grace once you have consulted with your doctor on clearance to return. Current CDC guidelines indicate you can end self-quarantine once you have met these three requirements: You have no fever for at least 24 hours without the use of any fever reducing medicine; Your symptoms have improved; and it has been at least 5 days since your first symptoms started.

Conference updates

Florida Conference Bishop Kenneth Carter has posted frequent updates. Read the latest Conference Update. Grace’s reopening effort is led by Pastor Steve Hart, Pastor Gary Spencer, and Associate Pastor Beth Burton and involves the entire church staff plus members of the congregation. Our Pastors are carefully monitoring the local numbers in our area of Brevard. We will communicate updates as they are available here, through the emailed Gracevine newsletter, on our Facebook page and in other ways as needed to keep our congregation informed.

Grace Church Office Open Monday – Thursday, Reduced Hours

The Grace UMC church office is open Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 3 PM. If any church members wish to meet at the church for prayer, Bible study, etc, we ask that you call and make an appointment reservation.

During hours when the church is not open, we want you to be able to get in touch with Pastor Steve Hart, Pastor Gary Spencer, or Pastor Beth Burton to pass on prayer concerns or if you are homebound and need another church member to run an errand, such as picking up and dropping off groceries. Call the church office at 321-452-2420 and follow the prompts and you will be connected with Pastor Steve’s, Pastor Gary’s or Pastor Beth’s personal phone. You can also send an email to which is being monitored

Food Pantry, Preschool and Other Impacts

The Grace Food Pantry IS OPEN each Thursday from 9 AM to noon for residents in need. There are modifications in place to protect the health of all involved. The first Thursday of each month is government food day and the Pantry is open to all Brevard County residents. On all other Thursdays, the pantry is limited to residents of Merritt Island.

The Grace Clothing Closet is typically open each Thursday as well from 9 AM to noon, with one person allowed in to “shop” at at time for 5 minutes each in order to maintain safe social distancing.

Food Pantry Donation Items: Members of the Grace Family: Please use the same 9 AM to noon window each Thursday to drop off non-perishable Food Pantry items including: canned meat, canned vegetables and fruit, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, pasta, rice and cereal and shelf-stable milk (the non-refrigerated cartons). You can drop off pet food as well. On Thursday, if you want to drop off a church tithing check, you can do that as well and those can also be mailed and online giving continues uninterrupted.

Quarterly Country Store: Please donate items to support this quarterly event. Please leave the items donated in the Fellowship Hall in the container marked for Country Store.

Laundry detergent, bleach, body wash, deodorant, Dish washing soap, paper products (tissues and paper towels), trash bags, aluminum foil, quart-size plastic bags, Comet, Scrubbing bubbles, toilet cleaner, liquid hand soap, shampoo and conditioner, 409 cleaner, sponges and any other cleaning supplies. We need Cat and dog food.

The Grace Preschool follows Brevard Public School closures and is keeping parents posted here and via the Preschool Group attached to our Grace Facebook page.

We encourage you to stay connected with family and friends by phone and social media. We can avoid Isolation and loneliness by reaching out. And as always, find comfort in prayer and God’s love.