As we enter daylight savings time, we know that spring is arriving. It is a beautiful time of year in central Florida, and I hope you can take advantage of nice weather and spend some time outdoors. Next week is spring break for Brevard County schools, and if you and your family are traveling, I pray that you have an enjoyable and safe time away.
We are advertising now for candidates to apply for the administrative assistant position at Grace. Our beloved Pat Harrison is retiring June 1, 2021 after serving for 22 years at Grace. Please take the time to congratulate Pat and to thank her for her service at Grace. While we will seek to fill the position, we will never replace Pat. Details about the position are listed in this week’s Gracevine.
Gary Beatovich and our Legacy team just confirmed that we have now paid a total of $280,000.00 toward the principal of our mortgage as part of the recent campaign. This means that we can remove another piece of our “debt mountain”, as we remove one whenever we pay down another $70,000.00. Thank you for your faithfulness!
This Sunday, March 14, we will look closely at two passages of scripture: Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3: 14-21. I am working on a message entitled “Look Up and Live.” As you read these passages, notice how John’s gospel references the passage from Numbers and the significance of the serpent in the wilderness. These cross references offer great insights for us about the meaning of God’s love for this world.
If you have recently written a review on Google or Facebook for Grace, thank you for taking the time. If you have not done so, will you please consider writing a review? It is a simple and easy way to let people know what God is doing in our community.
As always, I covet your prayers and support. We are all the hands and feet of Christ on earth, and I know that He is alive at Grace UMC!
God bless you! Pastor Steve Hart