Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Posts from May 2024

The Future is Bright!

Dear Grace Family: Well, after nine years I have come to this day in which I write my final Gracevine. I told my wife Colleen recently that nine years ago I could never have predicted the various events we have experienced. It has been an incredible honor to serve this church. I have gotten to know many of you quite well, and…

Wesley Day

Dear Grace Family: In our Methodist tradition, May 24 is an important day known as “Aldersgate Day” or “Wesley Day.” On May 24, 1738, John Wesley experienced assurance of his salvation. Prior to May 24, Wesley really struggled with the idea that he needed to become sanctified before he would receive assurance of his salvation. The story goes that Wesley reluctantly attended…

A Servant’s Heart

Dear Grace Family: As my time here at Grace is winding down quickly, I have been reflecting upon so many of you who truly make me proud to serve this church! Here we are with another Family Promise hosting week, and I am in awe of the team that works together during these hosting weekends. Family Promise in particular is a ministry…

The Start of Summer!

Dear Grace Family: The past two weekends here at Grace have been extra special. Two weeks ago we hosted the women’s Via de Cristo weekend, and the joy of celebrating the love of Christ was palpable on the campus. I hope more Grace members will attend one of these retreat weekends in the future. Those of us who have participated can attest…

Recognizing a Faithful Volunteer

Dear Grace Family: Perhaps you are familiar with the mantra that “if we cannot recognize and celebrate everyone, let’s not celebrate anyone because we do not want for people to feel left out.” Personally, I really do not like this perspective because it implies that “if we cannot do it perfectly, let’s not do it at all.” As a wise person once…