Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Book Study

Dear Grace Church Family,

As we prepare for the book study and sermon series looking at the Multiplying Love, resource by Paul Chilcote, I wanted to be sure to communicate an openness on my part and Pastor Beth’s part to make ourselves available to those of you who might have questions.   Some of you have already purchased the book and started reading it and I have received positive feedback from many of you.  I am grateful that some are finding it meaningful already.

I am organizing a day apart for myself to begin thinking about an Advent series.  The hope would be we would have some organized small group material in place for Advent as well.  I would love for us to be able to recruit at least 3-4 more small group leaders, so let me know if you are willing and able to serve as a small group leader.  The commitment is for short term studies, but the hope would be some of the groups would find ways to continue to connect.

You may or may not know that I was mostly unchurched before I found my way to the United Methodist Church years ago.  My life was changed through small group studies where I was able to interact with others in the congregation across the generational divides.  Some of my strongest supporters over the years were members of the Disciple Bible Study I participated in.  I know many of you have witnessed the gift of connecting with others in this way, so let us encourage one another as we gather and study together in love for one another which enriches our life of faith!

The sermon this week is titled, “For the Love of a Child.”  The scripture text is Mark 7:24-37.  I encourage you to read it in several different versions.  In our reading, sometimes we encounter what I call, “speed bumps.”  These are moments when you are caught off guard by what is happening.  In these moments it is important to dig deeper.  The well of God’s love does indeed run deep.

My questions for this week:

1. What is your favorite book that you have read?

2. What is a day trip adventure you have enjoyed taking?

As always, I am grateful to be…

With you on the journey,

Pastor Michelle