Hi Grace Family!
I hope you have all been keeping warm through this cold weather we have been having
this first month of the year. It is unusual for Florida to experience snow and yet I am
sure you have seen the pictures of snow in North Florida and the snowmen that are
being built in a state that is not supposed to get snow! What I do know is that it won’t be
long before we are in the hot, humid days of summer and we will want these cooler
temperatures…maybe without the snow. Or maybe not. I just pray that everyone is able
to stay warm and safe no matter where anyone is. We, in Florida, will contend with this
cold weather for a few more days and then according to my weather app, it will be in the
70’s and above before we know it.
This Sunday is Ecumenical Sunday. So…what does it mean to be ecumenical? It does
not mean non-denominational. It also does not mean a common spirituality. What it
does mean is Christian unity. And Christian unity does not mean we all agree on
everything. Christian unity is when Christian churches with different ideas, theologies,
ways to worship come together and work toward a common goal. Ecumenism says to
us we are not called to be isolated but to join with all our brothers and sisters to show
the world that even in our differences we can get along. Even in our differences, we can
treat one another with respect and dignity. And the funny thing is that when we come
together, united around a common goal, we begin to understand our differences and, in
many cases, realize that we are more alike than different.
Our scripture text for this Sunday comes from I Corinthians 1:10. I encourage you to
read the entire chapter. In verse 10, Paul appeals to the people of Corinth that there
should not be any divisions among them and that they are to be perfectly united. He
wants them to be ecumenical. Jesus asked his disciples to be one so that the world may
know what being Christian means. Because, when Christians come together for change
in the world, we become agents of peace and hope.
Ecumenical Sunday reminds us that we unite with congregations all around the world to
celebrate our unity in Christ. And being ecumenical means we can have both different
opinions and we can also united around a common goal. The goal as a Christian is to
be Christ like. And, in order to be Christ like we must follow Jesus’ example. Which
means we should strive to be kind, generous, peaceable, gentle, merciful, humble, and
most of all loving toward all people. What we should not be is be mean-spirited, divisive,
or arrogant thinking we have all the answers. Like a pastor friend of mine used to say:
“We can disagree, we just can’t be disagreeable.”
I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
Pastor Beth