Dear Grace Church family,
We are drawing near to our second Sunday in Lent. The closer we get to Easter, the more heightened the drama of the journey. Jesus holds all the love and all the vision for the kingdom of God for the people of the world. The closer we stay with Jesus on the journey, the closer we are to being a part of the greatest love story in all the world, the story between God and all of God’s created order. I invite you to be open in your spirit to being challenged in your thinking and in your living.
This is the time to invite others in your life to be a part of the journey with Jesus too. Maybe you have a friend that is struggling in their life in some way. Invite them to a service, share a message, or share a meal with them. The journey with Jesus is all about building a community of loving and sharing God’s love with each other and with all the others we share this beautiful world with. Be a person of invitation. Take a couple of the bulletin inserts this week with the Lenten prayer and the calendar of events coming up. Share them with neighbors or friends. Let us live into our mission of building bridges between Christ and our community.
Scripture this week is Luke 13:31-35
I hope you are finding the Lenten Devotional, We Are Not Alone, meaningful.
As always, I am grateful to be…
With you on the journey,
Pastor Michelle