Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

A Post Easter “Thank You”

After this year’s Holy Week, all I can say is “Thank you”, again and again, to all of you who worked tirelessly to make the various events and services run smoothly. From our hard-working staff members, to all those involved in music ministry and technical support, to ushers and greeters and Stephen ministers and communion preparers and servers, I believe everyone’s efforts made God smile.

Our attendance at all four Easter services exceeded last year’s, and there was an energy and joy in the worship that was palpable. The Holy Spirit was clearly at work. To God be the Glory!

This Sunday, April 28, we will celebrate the Create a Legacy campaign and our ministry with our sister church in Cuba. Pastor Beth will have updates from the most recent team that visited Cuba, and you will see the mutual blessing that God has made possible from our relationship with our friends in Cuba.

See you Sunday! Pastor Steve Hart