Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

A Servant’s Heart

Dear Grace Family:

As my time here at Grace is winding down quickly, I have been reflecting upon so many of you who truly make me proud to serve this church! Here we are with another Family Promise hosting week, and I am in awe of the team that works together during these hosting weekends. Family Promise in particular is a ministry that requires a large volunteer base, usually needing around 50 people. Many churches in our country do not even have that many folks in worship most Sundays! Yet for 8 years now Grace has served this great ministry. Thanks to all of you who are serving this week!

Another source of my pride is your willingness to give financially when asked. You may recall that a few weeks ago we sent out a request for funds to cover increased property insurance costs. We were seeking approximately $18,000.00, yet because of your generosity we have raised in excess of $22,000.00! The excess money raised will help with our increased utility costs.  I know this faithfulness is a model to follow! Thank you!

This Sunday, May 19, the scripture passages are Acts 2: 1-6 and Matthew 25: 14-30. This is Pentecost Sunday, and Pastor Gary is preparing a message entitled “Whose Cadillac Is It Anyway?” I want to be in worship to learn more about this title! We will also celebrate our graduates on Sunday, so please plan to be in worship to support those who have reached important milestones! This is an important part of our duty as disciples.

I look forward to seeing you in worship Sunday, and please remember to invite friends!

Steve Hart