Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Back to School!

Dear Grace United Methodist Church Family,

What a beautiful Sunday afternoon we had last week!  It was so great to eat hotdogs and hamburgers, watch the kids on the water slide, and celebrate the beginning of a new school year!  We are preparing for family promise and all things pumpkin!  By the time you read this, I will have completed the “onboarding” process with our lay leaders here at the church as well.  We have had a busy time of beginning.  

The listening sessions that I have been engaged with are helping me to get to know you as a congregation.  Every group I meet with helps me learn something new.  It is also my way of communicating my care for you, right from the beginning.  David Augsburger shares that, “Being heard is so close to being loved, that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.”  I am grateful for all of you who are a part of this beautiful community.

As I have been listening, one person shared with me that they struggled with evangelism or sharing their witness of where God has met them in their life.  I wanted to share with all of you that inviting people to church is a way of giving witness.  Liking and sharing Facebook posts is a way of witnessing.  I will speak more on evangelism over time, but there are little things we can all do to share the story of God’s love with others.

I hope you will make every effort to be in worship this week.  We will be looking at Exodus 18:13-26 and Moses’ work to try and oversee God’s people.  He learns along the way that it is a bit too much for him to manage.  See you Sunday!

Grateful to be…

With you on the journey,

Pastor Michelle