Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Being Intentional

Dear Grace Church Family,

It has been such a gift having my parents here this week.  We spent some time in the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge.  I am pretty sure a set of binoculars are in my future, for I really enjoyed watching all the beautiful birds take flight.  It was a great way to spend the morning.  We will be at Kennedy Space Center today!  We are really looking forward to it!  It is such a gift to spend time with my family learning this beautiful area.

Next week I will be at Church of the Resurrection UMC in Kansas City for their Leadership Institute.  There are sixty leaders from Florida who will be gathering with others from around the nation.  Besides wonderful keynote speakers, I will have the opportunity to take classes to learn about recommendations for growing small groups, reaching the rising generation, deepening worship, and much more.  I am looking forward to sharing what I learn when I return.

Small groups have always been a large part of the Methodist tradition.  Some of my most long-lasting church relationships were formed years ago while I was participating in small group ministries.  The mother of my god daughter, Heather, and I met when we were in our late twenties and have prayed for each other and stayed friends ever since.  There are so many ways to gather with others; groups can meet at church, in a home, over a glass of wine or beer out in the world, over coffee.  Be creative, be open, be intentional!

The sermon this week is going to look at Isaiah 11:6-9 and our call to live in unity.  The more time we spend with others, the more we can find our way to moments of unity for sure!  

Here are some questions for this week:

1. What topics would you be interested in learning more about relating to your faith?

2. Who do you think would be a good small group leader in the church?

See you Sunday!

With you on the journey,

Pastor Michelle