Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Both of Grace UMC’s pastors share information via blogging. Pastor Steve Hart shares a message each week in the blog listing below, with his message also emailed out in our weekly Gracevine Newsletter. Associate Pastor Beth Burton also blogs, sharing thoughtful insights on faith and everyday life. Click here to visit Pastor Beth’s blog and see the latest messages from Pastor Steve below.

Stronger Together

Dear Grace United Methodist Church Family, I will be away this week attending the wedding of Rev. Dr. Cynthia Weems.  She is getting married in Kansas City this weekend.  After attending her wedding, I fly to complete an elective course for my doctoral work through Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC (the elective worktakes place in Birmingham, AL).  The doctoral program I am a part of is cohort based,…

Serving the Community

Greetings Grace United Methodist Church Family, First, I am very disappointed that no one made me a ‘I survived an overnight with the Youth” t-shirt!  Just kidding!  Friends, what a wonderful group of young people we have at this church.  I am grateful for the time spent with them and grateful for the work that they are doing this week during their…

Knowledge is Power

Dear Grace Church Family, July 18th was Nelson Mandela Day.  I have had a connection with the country of South Africa for many years.  It has almost been 20 years since my first visit, but even before then, I have had a relationship with former Bishop Peter Storey, who was serving as a Bishop in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.  My pastor, Rev. James…

Let the Journey Begin!

Greetings Grace UMC Church Family! We are about to embark on a wonderful adventure!  This Sunday will be my first Sunday in the pulpit and I am looking forward to sharing in worship with all of you!  I am also looking forward to the welcome reception following worship!  I am grateful to all of you for your willingness to combine worship services for my…

Greetings Grace UMC Church Family!

Greetings Grace UMC Church Family! Gracie and I are very excited to be in Merritt Island and looking forward to the journey ahead with all of you!  I am so grateful for the Staff Parrish Committee that welcomed us with a beautiful basket full of goodies!  I am also grateful for Charlie Hoyt and his team for all the work they have…

The Big Picture

Dear Grace Family: I remember growing up, watching my dad and brother put models together. My dad taught my brother first using small model cars and then gradually my brother began to build radio-controlled planes. I would watch as they zoomed in on all the little, tiny pieces they would glue together and as they continued, the model would take shape and…

The Future is Bright!

Dear Grace Family: Well, after nine years I have come to this day in which I write my final Gracevine. I told my wife Colleen recently that nine years ago I could never have predicted the various events we have experienced. It has been an incredible honor to serve this church. I have gotten to know many of you quite well, and…

Wesley Day

Dear Grace Family: In our Methodist tradition, May 24 is an important day known as “Aldersgate Day” or “Wesley Day.” On May 24, 1738, John Wesley experienced assurance of his salvation. Prior to May 24, Wesley really struggled with the idea that he needed to become sanctified before he would receive assurance of his salvation. The story goes that Wesley reluctantly attended…

A Servant’s Heart

Dear Grace Family: As my time here at Grace is winding down quickly, I have been reflecting upon so many of you who truly make me proud to serve this church! Here we are with another Family Promise hosting week, and I am in awe of the team that works together during these hosting weekends. Family Promise in particular is a ministry…

The Start of Summer!

Dear Grace Family: The past two weekends here at Grace have been extra special. Two weeks ago we hosted the women’s Via de Cristo weekend, and the joy of celebrating the love of Christ was palpable on the campus. I hope more Grace members will attend one of these retreat weekends in the future. Those of us who have participated can attest…