Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Calling All VBS Volunteers

Greetings Grace Family!

I am excited about all the events that are beginning to fill the church calendar. Although I had forgotten how many meetings there are, I am grateful we are seeing light at the end of this pandemic tunnel.

This past Sunday we began congregational singing after 14 long months (with masks on still). We are looking at other activities we can begin, and we are hopeful that by September we will have found our new normal and will be able to gather and worship and serve freely.

I know one thing to look forward to this fall is a churchwide small group study. What a blessing that will be for everyone involved.

For now, we are very excited that Niki is planning an in-person Vacation Bible School. This year VBS will be June 14th through June 18th. Our theme is: Rocky Railway and from what I can see so far, it looks like an exciting adventure awaits our children! And what a blessing it is to be able to serve the children of our community this year as we teach them about how Jesus helps us in all situations in life. But in order to serve, we need to help, which means we need to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer to help with VBS, please give Miss Niki a call at the church office (321-452-2420) and say, “Here I am, use me!” I know I am looking forward to serving however I am needed. I hope to see you there serving too.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and Dave McGaffic will be preaching on Proverbs 31:10 – 31, celebrating the life of all women as well as sharing about the life of Susanna Wesley. Susanna Wesley was inspiring in the methods she used to raise her children and ensure they had a solid foundation in the faith. She was before her time in many of her parenting methods. I hope everyone either tunes in online or attends one of our worship services as we support Dave and hear his inspiring message.

I also want to challenge each of you to set an alarm for 2:47 to pray for Grace, our community, for one another as we discern how to serve. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to go with you and before you paving the way for the work God needs each one of us to do as we work for God’s kingdom purposes in the world God created. Why 2:47? Because Acts 2:47 says this: “…praising god and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

As we work our way out of this pandemic that has changed our world in untold ways, we need God to pave the way for the people he wants to add. Wouldn’t it be amazing if everyone joined in at 2:47 every day for a time of prayer? And your prayer can be 30 seconds or 30 minutes, it is up to you, but in prayer we can do great things.

Let’s do great things together.

Please keep Pastor Steve in your prayers as he is on renewal leave for the next two months. Keep all staff in your prayers as we continue to keep everything running smoothly. We are grateful for your prayers.

See you Sunday in church or online!

Peace, Pastor Beth Burton