Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Gracevine Message (Page 19)

Praying for America’s Leaders

This week, we have observed the inauguration of a new president and vice-president here in the United States. At the beginning of a new presidency, it is important for all Americans, and especially Christians, to pray for the success and well-being of the new administration and to pray for the former president and his family as they transition to a new life…

Speaking Up About Things That Matter

It really is true that there is no substitute for personal experience. This week, Colleen and I have experienced the covid virus first-hand. Thankfully, neither of us has had any significant breathing issues, but the discomfort, fatigue, and general exhaustion is tough. We are grateful that we can quarantine at home and we ask for your prayers as we recover. Several other…

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Recently, I have been thinking about the phrase, “We make plans and God laughs.” Certainly, this was true for many of us for our 2020 plans. Because only God knows the future, we are not able to anticipate how events outside our control will affect our lives. So in light of this reality, how do we approach a new…

Merry Christmas

Dear Grace Family:  This is my last Gracevine article for 2020! Despite the challenges of this year, with God’s help we will end the year on a good note. I look forward to the Christmas musical entitled “Gloria” this Sunday, December 20 at 11am, 2pm, and 5pm. Please spread the word about this event and invite friends to attend in-person or online.…

God with us

Dear Grace Family: If you have not already done so, remember to sign up for our Christmas cantata, which we will offer at 11am, 2pm, and 5pm on December 20, 2020. Our music department has really worked hard on this, and you are in for a real treat! The registration process is offered on our website and Facebook page. The purpose of…


Dear Grace Family:  We are in for a real Christmas treat this year! Our Christmas cantata is scheduled for Sunday, December 20 at 11am, 2pm, and 5pm. It requires a reservation so that we maintain social distancing. Go to our Facebook page or our website to reserve your space now. You can also reserve your space for Christmas eve services.  This Sunday,…

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Grace Family: This Gracevine note will cover the next two weeks. We are entering the Thanksgiving and Advent season this coming week, and it is a time of reflecting upon and waiting in anticipation of the transforming love of God. This Sunday, November 22, our scripture passages are Psalm 100 and Ezekiel 34: 11-16. The message is entitled “Hound of Heaven.”…


Dear Grace Family: I am writing this Gracevine from Lakeland, as I am handling a matter for the Florida Conference office this week. I look forward to officiating a wedding this weekend. It is the wedding of Ms. Melody Hall, granddaughter of Sherry and Dan Bruce, and Mr. Tyler Rye, son of Tanya and Brian Rye. The wedding is not at Grace,…