We have all heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat.” Personally, I am not a fan of this phrase. In fact, curiosity, investigation, and exploration make life more full, interesting and exciting. I think the teachings of Jesus encourage curiosity. Jesus was often moving and encountering new people, new situations, and new challenges. Of course, fear of the unknown was never a consideration in Jesus’ teachings on how to live, because fear was typically used in the phrase “fear not.”
The Easter season is a season of new life and new hope. It is a great time to be curious, to ask questions, and to pursue adventures. Curiosity usually helps us to pay closer attention to the world and the people around us. When we are more attentive, we are more likely to see the presence of the divine in daily life. So this Easter season I vow to be more curious and more attentive. Will you join me?
I shared with our staff that Monday morning I awoke to reflect on our Holy Week services at Grace. I am honored to serve with so many faithful people, staff and volunteers, who understand the importance of teamwork. The flexibility, patience and commitment of everyone involved allowed God’s spirit to bless our community last week. Easter Sunday, out total worship attendance, including our sunrise service, exceeded 300 people. This looks more like pre-pandemic numbers. Praise God!
This Sunday, April 16, the scripture passages are Matthew 28: 1-7 and 16-20. Pastor Gary will be offering a message entitled “Easter-It is _____ Done.” If you were inspired by worship last weekend, use that inspiration to attend worship this week. If you have never attended Sunday school or a small group at Grace, consider attending a class. Developing meaningful friendships is a critical part of Christian discipleship. Don’t neglect it!
I look forward to seeing you Sunday!
Steve Hart