Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Father’s Day & Our Heavenly Father

Wow! We had an awesome Vacation Bible School week. Our campus was filled with the laughter of children and the excitement of learning about Jesus. We are so grateful to all our volunteers. You were Amazing! No matter how big or small the job was you stepped up just like Isaiah and said: “Here I am!” What a blessing you were to Niki and to every child who attended our Rocky Railway VBS.

On Monday, the youth and children who are going to Warren Willis Camp will head out for a week of camp. I know they will have a great time. Miss Niki will be there with them as she engages our youth and children in the camp setting. I hope you will be in prayer for all the campers, counselors, and adult workers who will be in this very special place throughout the entire summer as well as our campers who will be there this week. Pray they are safe. Pray they have a wonderful time. But most of all, pray that they are filled with God’s amazing Holy Spirit and leave knowing how much they are loved and valued by God.

This Sunday is Father’s Day. Like Mother’s Day it can be filled with both joy and sadness. Our relationships with our parents can be complicated. I personally, am fortunate to have a wonderful dad who loved and supported me throughout my life. And now as he nears 90 years of age, I have the opportunity to be there for both my dad and mom in the ups and downs of their golden years.

Scripture gives us many examples of fathers…both good dads and bad fathers. The Bible even uses father language to help us understand who God is to us in life. But no matter what your relationship is or has been with your own father, know that God is a good, good father. He loves us unconditionally and wants what is best for us in all of life.

This Sunday we welcome Lilly Hibbard back to the pulpit and I hope you will come out to hear her preach as you support her in discernment of her call into ministry.

We ask for your prayers for all staff and look forward to Sunday as we are able to gather together more and more. It is good to be in a community of faith, getting to know each other’s stories as we all grow deeper in our relationship with God our Father in Heaven.

Peace, Pastor Beth Burton