Dear Grace Family:
I would never have anticipated when 2020 began that we would not have public worship on Mother’s Day weekend. While circumstances are not as we would prefer, I am grateful that, as far as I am aware, no members of Grace have tested positive for covid-19. We continue to pray for God’s daily guidance in making the best decisions in slowly moving forward with church and community life. On Wednesday of this week, our Bishop issued a statement in which he asked that none of our churches resume public worship until AFTER June 15. So, we will continue with online worship until at least mid-June.
Starting next Tuesday, May 12, the church office will be open every Tuesday and Thursday from 9am-3pm. If you would like to have a small group or Bible study meeting at the church, we ask that you call and make an appointment during that time period. Our facilities staff has been able to work at the church throughout the past several weeks, getting many projects done with a vacant campus. Our program, worship and support staff members have worked from home some and in the office some, just depending upon the needs of the day. Life will be different in the future as we slowly reopen, and we appreciate your prayers and patience.
I hope you will join our online worship on Sunday, May 10 at 11am on the Grace Facebook page or on the church website. We will take a close look at 1 Samuel 1: 3-11 and 24-28. This is the story of Hannah and the birth and dedication of the prophet Samuel. The message is entitled “Birth: Dream, Agony, Dedication, Surrender.” While we celebrate Mother’s Day, we will also look at the creative process that is a gift for all human beings. Join us, and have your Bible with you!
Finally, please be on the lookout for upcoming posts on the Church Facebook page by Sharrett Henderson. Sharrett leads “The Five” worship service, and he also serves as part-time director of outreach at Grace. I have asked him to do a weekly Facebook live post to encourage and inspire us toward outreach , which is essential to our mission and vision. May God bless you today and always! Pastor Steve