Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Pumpkin Patch!

Dear Grace Church Family,

This Sunday is Laity Sunday.  It is a very special day in the life of the church.  It is the day we honor the role of laity within the life of the Church.  I have been so impressed with the number of “high capacity” leaders at Grace UMC.  A high-capacity leader is one that takes on an area of responsibility and leads it on their own, with the help of organized teams.  We grow the church, when we grow capacity.  Our reach is stronger when more people are involved.

This is my first time experiencing the pumpkin patch.  There is something truly magical about that patch.  I spent some time in it this morning and it was so amazing witnessing the children running through the Patch, high school kids showing up to take pictures, and pre-school moms volunteering to make sure it is covered.  This is a ministry to the community that you should be proud of.  It is an example of a ministry that could not happen without lay leadership.

This Sunday will be a very special Sunday.  Our lay preacher will be Gary Beatovich.  He will be preaching on Jeremiah 29:11 and putting his own spin on it!  We will have children and youth participating in the service and I think it will be a morning full of blessing.  I invite you to call two people from church and remind them how important it is for you to be present this Sunday to show Gary support.  

Our Stewardship campaign begins this Sunday as well.  It is called, “Taking the Next Step.”  Our lay leader, Catherine Haywood will be leading us through how to make our commitments.  I have my commitment card tucked in my bible already.  I am praying over it, listening for what new thing God might be preparing me for in the year ahead.  Even before our commitments are made, we have been blessed.  A friend of mine designed them for us for free!  As you hold them in your hands, be sure to trust that God will guide you toward your next step, whatever that will be.

Every investment you make with your financial commitments to Grace UMC is an investment in the Kingdom of God.  Your commitments help us to set the church budget, so that we can make the best decisions we can.  I am so grateful for the generous spirit demonstrated by this congregation.  If I haven’ttold you lately, I love my job!

Question for this week:

1. In the busyness of life, how do you find space to be quiet?  As we enter a season of prayer over our faith commitments, consider spending time in nature, in silence, listening for the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit, nudging you toward your next step. 

As always, I am grateful to be…

With you on the journey,

Pastor Michelle