Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Recognizing a Faithful Volunteer

Dear Grace Family:

Perhaps you are familiar with the mantra that “if we cannot recognize and celebrate everyone, let’s not celebrate anyone because we do not want for people to feel left out.” Personally, I really do not like this perspective because it implies that “if we cannot do it perfectly, let’s not do it at all.” As a wise person once said, “the perfect can be the enemy of the very good.”

So, I want to recognize a faithful volunteer at Grace named Tim Cordes. For many years, Tim has led our sound booth team and served as a fixture in that booth every Sunday, often from before 8am until the early afternoon. Tim also leads our quarterly Country Store ministry. Tim’s late wife, Kerry Lynn, founded the Country Store ministry more than ten years ago, and Tim has continued to lead the ministry to this day.

To show Tim our appreciation, we can serve in the Country Store by showing up tonight at 6pm in the fellowship hall to help set up. We can also show up Saturday morning at 8:30am to serve the people. It will not cost you any money and you will be done by 11am Saturday. (I would be there myself except that I must attend my son’s graduate school graduation in Gainesville Friday and Saturday.) The reason this is important is that the last Country Store Tim had fewer than normal volunteers and this makes the job harder for him. So please help if you are able!

This Sunday, May 3, the scripture passages are Psalm 98 and John 15: 9-17. Pastor Beth is preparing a message entitled “A Breath of Fresh Air!” What a positive, encouraging title! I anticipate a great message!

Finally, friends, don’t forget our summer kickoff party, starting at noon Sunday on campus. There will be games and walking tacos for lunch, so come and enjoy!

Steve Hart