Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Serving the Community

Greetings Grace United Methodist Church Family,

First, I am very disappointed that no one made me a ‘I survived an overnight with the Youth” t-shirt!  Just kidding!  Friends, what a wonderful group of young people we have at this church.  I am grateful for the time spent with them and grateful for the work that they are doing this week during their mission week.  I am also grateful for all those who stepped up to help chaperone and make that week happen!  Be sure to thank Matt for his leadership and I’m sure he’ll need Starbucks for the rest of the month to recover!

I met with Dr. Dawna O’Brien this week at MILA Elementary School.  Tracey shared with me that MILA stands for Merritt Island Launch Area.  I did not know that!  Dr. O’Brien was incredibly thankful for the many years of support you have provided the school as a church.  She shared with me that 76% of her students are on free and reduced lunch and most of them live in section 8 housing.  She had just learned in our conversation that two of her teachers that are through an international recruiting program arrived with really nothing for their apartments that the organization helped organize for them.  They also do not have transportation.

If you have interest in learning more about our partnership with MILA, please reach out to the wonderful and amazing Jennie at We are working to surround these two teachers as we speak and Jennie would be able to update you on needs if you have interest in supporting them.  Right away, I would say Walmart gift cards would be a gift for them to pick up some needed items.

This week, in worship, we are going to be looking at one of Moses’ fragile moments as we engage with Exodus 4:1-15.  Like so many people in our world today, Moses did not feel he was enough.  God was calling him to a life that seemed bigger than he could imagine.  I hope to see all of you in worship!  It is a joy to see your faces and learn your stories!

This week’s questions:

1. Who are some people in the community that you think would be good for me to meet?

2. What is an issue in the community around us that breaks your heart the way you believe it might break the heart of God?

So, so grateful to be…

With you on the journey,

Pastor Michelle