Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

The Big Picture

Dear Grace Family:

I remember growing up, watching my dad and brother put models together. My dad taught my brother first using small model cars and then gradually my brother began to build radio-controlled planes. I would watch as they zoomed in on all the little, tiny pieces they would glue together and as they continued, the model would take shape and when they were done, there would be a car or a plane. Something you could not see until they zoomed out so they could see the “big picture” of what they created. As long as they were zoomed in, they could only see the part they were focused on.

I have discovered the same is true when I am working on a passage of scripture. I can get so focused on one sentence or one word as I study what the sentence is saying or if it is just the one word, what it means, that I can lose sight of the “big picture.” There are amazing themes that God has placed in our scriptures, but we don’t always see them if we focus on just a verse, a sentence, or a word.

As I was thinking about this Sunday, I realized I needed to zoom out and when I did, God revealed something, and I got very excited about using what I saw in my long view. Hint? Think three-legged stool. The scripture passages I am using are Psalm 89:5-8 & 14 – 18 and 1 Corinthians 3:9-13. And my three-legged stool? That would be the call of Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene. Come join us Sunday and hear about these three individuals and how Jesus called each one of them to further the gospel message.

Please keep our church in prayer as we continue to prepare for our new pastor. Don’t forget June 30 will be Pastor Gary’s final Sunday with us.


Pastor Beth