Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

The Future is Bright!

Dear Grace Family:

Well, after nine years I have come to this day in which I write my final Gracevine. I told my wife Colleen recently that nine years ago I could never have predicted the various events we have experienced. It has been an incredible honor to serve this church. I have gotten to know many of you quite well, and I admire your faithfulness and dedication to this church and the Merritt Island community.

During our time at Grace, Colleen and I have both had cancer diagnoses, and we are both so grateful for the support and encouragement that you all have provided us. Last summer, we experienced the death of Colleen’s brother Don at the age of 54. You all were there for us then with cards and prayers that meant more than you know. On a positive note, you have walked beside us in raising our two sons, and we are grateful to have had them both graduate high school in this area. Without a doubt, we have experienced God’s love through the words and actions of so many of you. We sincerely thank you for all you have done for us!

Friends, you have an incredible staff here at Grace. Every single staff member is both gifted and dedicated to the mission of building bridges between Christ and our community. I am especially grateful to Pastor Beth and Pastor Gary for their unwavering support.

We often say in church life that growing God’s kingdom is God’s work in which we have the opportunity and privilege to participate. I like this because it reminds me that we never work alone in ministry, as God’s Holy Spirit is always at work and scripture reminds us that we are not meant to do the work alone. It took many people to accomplish everything this congregation has accomplished since its beginning in 1961. I have only been here nine of those years (out of 63), but in those years you have merged with another church, paid off a huge mortgage to become debt-free, and endured a pandemic that altered life for the world as we know it. Well done good and faithful servants!

This Sunday, June 2, the scripture passages are Psalm 139: 1-6 and 2 Corinthians 4: 5-12. My final sermon at Grace is entitled “Life, Death, and Clay Jars.” I hope to see you in worship, and I look forward to serving communion for the last time as one of your pastors.

Finally, friends, I leave you in good hands because I believe God has called Pastor Michelle to serve this church for the next season. She brings a variety of both life and ministry experience to this season and everything that I have learned about her is very positive! The future of Grace UMC Merritt Island is bright!

In Christ’s love,

Steve Hart