Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

The Good and Bad of It: Cain & Abel

This Gracevine will cover the next two weeks because several of our staff members are taking well-deserved vacation days. As we approach the July 4 holiday, it is a good time to think about the meaning and purpose of freedom. We celebrate our nation’s founding and history on July 4th, and usually we express gratitude for our freedom. Why is our freedom so valuable? What is the purpose of freedom? 

In college, I studied various theories about freedom. There was a distinction between negative freedom, such as freedom “from interference”, and positive freedom, such as freedom to pursue my goals. Negative freedom protects us from other people or governments controlling us, but negative freedom cannot define our purpose in life. Only positive freedom, the freedom to respond to life’s challenges in a particular manner for a specific reason, gives our lives meaning. Freedom is most empowering when we know we are free to meet our responsibilities to the people we care about. 

Often, people talk about freedom from responsibilities. However, freedom is enhanced when it is attached to responsibilities. Without any responsibilities, our freedom would be empty. So as we celebrate our freedom, I pray that we remember that our freedom is a gift from God that we can use to manage our various responsibilities, which are also God’s gifts to us. We are free so that we can follow God’s calling on our lives, one day at a time. 

This Sunday, July 2, the scripture passage is Genesis 4: 1-8. Pastor Gary will continue with the series on Genesis, and this week’s message is entitled “The Good and Bad of It: Cain and Abel.” Hopefully you are following Pastor Gary’s online Bible study on Genesis. The sermon topics will parallel some of the study, so this offers an opportunity for a deeper study of Genesis. 

On Sunday, July 9, the scriptures will be Genesis 6: 5-8 and Genesis 6: 13-22. Pastor Beth is offering a message entitled “The Good and Bad of It: Noah.” Even if you have read the story of Noah many times, I have found that scripture continues to offer new insights with every reading. The Holy Spirit is always at work! 

Grace is hosting Family Promise again the week of July 23. If you have not yet signed up, please do. I am always amazed at the number of volunteers it takes to host a Family Promise week. It is a blessing for us as well as the families we serve! 

Finally friends, thank you for supporting Grace UMC with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. God works through our church to serve this community in many ways. We cannot do all that we do without your consistent support. May God bless you and your families! 

Steve Hart