Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Travel Light: Worship Often

I know that many Christians question the importance of regular, consistent church attendance. Sometimes the rationale for this questioning is the idea that we can study scripture and worship anywhere, even at home or with friends. However, the importance of consistent engagement in the life of the local church is rooted in our need to be present for new people who enter the doors of the church. There may be some Sundays in which your primary purpose for attending church is to offer a smile and genuine welcome to a new person. As a friend of mine used to say, we do well to ask, instead of what we “got out” of worship, whether our time in worship was pleasing to God and God’s mission for the world.

This Sunday, April 7, I am preparing a message based upon Philippians 3: 4b-14.  This passage includes a recounting of Paul’s faithfulness to his Jewish tradition, together with a complete rejection of any reliance upon his personal accomplishments as a basis for his righteousness. The “full court press” of movement toward a deeper life in Christ involves letting go of all earthly obstacles to the goal of Christ’s heavenly calling upon all of our lives. Essentially, we “hold lightly” the things of this world because we know God has a calling on our hearts that takes priority.

Perhaps a summary of our journey is to “travel light, worship often, and be part of the growing kingdom of Christ on earth.”

As always, I invite you to pray for all of us who lead worship each week. We depend upon your prayers. I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Pastor Steve Hart