Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

A Humble, Holy, Tapestry

Recently, I read an article about seeing with the “eyes of the heart.” The author of the article, Peter Marty, points out that Jesus had a “steady interest in blind people” and Jesus had a “hope for all of us to see truth with more than the eyes of our face.” While I cannot imagine the challenges of daily living as a blind person, I am inspired by people who live joyful lives despite partial or complete visual limitations. Only God makes it possible for people to see the world and the people in it through the eyes of the heart. 

As I try to describe what it means to see with the eyes of the heart, I think about hearing the voice of a beloved family member on the phone. The sound of his or her voice can make us smile with joy. Physical vision is not necessary because we experience love at a deeper level. I still remember my last conversation with my father before he died, 26 years ago, as if it were yesterday. Thankfully, it was a good conversation that is etched in my memory. I didn’t have to see him to experience the heartfelt love that he communicated. I pray that you have similar memories. 

This Sunday, October 1, is world communion Sunday. This is one of my favorite Sundays of the year. I love the emphasis upon celebrating the diversity of God’s people all over the world. The scripture passages for Sunday are Philippians 2: 1-4 and Philippians 2: 5-13. I encourage you to read these verses slowly and reflect upon their meaning. I am working on a message entitled “A Humble, Holy, Tapestry.” I appreciate your prayers! 

Finally, when you have the opportunity to speak with our staff members here at Grace, please let them know that you appreciate their service. We have a wonderful group of people serving here at Grace. Their talents and work ethic make it a pleasure to be a part of this community. We are truly blessed!

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Steve Hart