Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL


Dear Grace Family:

Have you ever heard the advice to “keep your expectations low and you will not be disappointed”? I have often struggled with this advice because it suggests that having high expectations of others will inevitably lead to disappointment. Sometimes this is true, and sometimes it is not. But the real benefit of keeping our expectations low is that we are much less likely to feel entitled to have others serve us or our needs. So, we could have low expectations not because we do not trust others, but because we realize that our hopes and expectations may be unrealistic, given the many responsibilities that others carry.

I mention this because at the beginning of a new year, we may have unrealistic expectations that cause us to fail to consider the needs of those around us. Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber recently offered the following wise advice for 2024: “May you expect to get so little out of 2024 that you can celebrate every single thing it offers you, however small.”This is sound advice, largely because it offers a recipe for cultivating gratitude. My prayer for our Grace community is that we all cultivate gratitude in 2024, because cultivating gratitude leads to joy! The expression of gratitude to God gives us momentum and encouragement for every challenge that we face.

This Sunday, January 7, the scripture passages are Genesis 1: 1-5 and Mark 1: 4-11. I am preparing a message based upon the passage from Mark, focusing on the significance of the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus was baptized, given his status as a sinless human being? I will explore this in the message. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for our worship services.

Remember to start 2024 off right by attending worship regularly. Consider getting involved in a Bible study or Sunday School class as a way to build new relationships. Discipleship is a social endeavor that reminds us that we all need each other!

I look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday!

Steve Hart