Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Good Friday

Dear Grace Family:
Here we are in the heart of another holy week. But this one is unlike any other that we have experienced. We are confined to our homes. We may be fearful regarding our health and the health of our loved ones. We may be fearful about our economic futures. Yet in the midst of these concerns, we have the opportunity to revisit the events of Jesus’ death that led to the salvation of the world.  We have the opportunity to celebrate Jesus’ victory of life over death. As one writer has stated, no matter how many times the world may say “no” to us, God is present with an eternal “yes.” This is good news for all humanity!  Thank you to everyone who has driven through and given to the food pantry and dropped off tithing checks on Thursdays. We will continue to serve in the pantry every Thursday. Pastor Beth and I look forward to seeing so many of you each week.

This Friday night at 7pm I will offer a meditation on the meaning of the crucifixion and Jesus’ statements from the cross. Please join me on the church Facebook page or on the church website for this time of reflection.

This Sunday at 11am we will have our Easter Sunday worship via the church Facebook page and the church website. There will be some very special music, including a “virtual choir” and a variety of live music from our gifted musicians. Our scripture passages include two of the gospel accounts of the resurrection, Matthew 28: 1-10 and Luke 24: 1-12. Our resident bishop of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, Rev. Ken Carter, will share a special Easter message entitled “Easter, COVID-19 and the Contradiction of Resurrection Faith.”

Please join us online, and invite your Facebook friends to watch online as well. This is a great opportunity to invite someone to church! Happy Easter! We love and appreciate our life together with you here on Merritt Island!  In Resurrection Love, Pastor Steve