Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

What Does it Mean to be Remembered?

Thank you for your prayers for our Kairos team as we served in the prison last weekend. The Holy Spirit showed up and those of us who went thinking that we would bless others came away experiencing renewal and joy beyond anything that we gave. This is the way it works in God’s economy!

This Sunday, November 24, I will be sharing a message entitled “Remember me….” based upon Luke 23: 33-43. What does it mean to be remembered? Why is it important for us? Please read the scripture prior to worship, pray for all of us who lead worship, and ask God to guide and use you every day to glorify Him. There is no greater joy in life than knowing that we are living in the center of God’s will for our lives!

As we approach Thanksgiving, I am grateful for Grace UMC. God continues to work through faithful people every day here, and it is my privilege to serve as one of your pastors. I pray that you enjoy time with family and friends during Thanksgiving.

There will not be a Gracevine next week, so please remember that December 1 is the first Sunday of Advent, and we will be decorating the sanctuary this Sunday afternoon starting at 12:30 in preparation for the Advent season.

I challenge you to attend worship each week between now and Christmas. The Advent and Christmas season can be a time of spiritual renewal for all of us if we are faithful.

See you Sunday! Pastor Steve