Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Posts by Pastor Beth Burton (Page 3)

Graduation Season: A Time for New Beginnings

I pray you are all doing well. Everyone at the church is gearing up for all the graduations that are happening in our community. We will be offering a prayer for our graduates at this Sunday’s service as we have several families who will be celebrating the high school and college graduations of their sons and daughters. And Grace preschool is getting…

Calling All VBS Volunteers

Greetings Grace Family! I am excited about all the events that are beginning to fill the church calendar. Although I had forgotten how many meetings there are, I am grateful we are seeing light at the end of this pandemic tunnel. This past Sunday we began congregational singing after 14 long months (with masks on still). We are looking at other activities…

Exploring the Meaning of Life

I hope you have survived the “Spring forward” of our clocks and have caught up on the sleep you lost last week. I have never liked when we change to daylight savings time. It takes me about a week to get used to it. When my children were young, they struggled to understand why they had to go to bed when it…

Leaning into Divine Thinking

This Sunday marks the second Sunday in Lent. The Grace with Promise team will have participated in the Family Promise Emerald City 5K. Sunday will mark the last day of February. We are already two months into 2021! People are getting their vaccinations slowly but surely and we are seeing an increase in our in-person worship services. While the weather is still…

On Voting

“Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you.” Deuteronomy 1:13 (Please note: While the Old Testament typically uses the male pronouns since this was a patriarchal society, please as you are voting choose the best candidate based on their record and abilities not on whether they are male or female.) This…

Love and Fear

Hello Grace Family! I am so grateful to all of you as you continue to volunteer around the church in support of the many mission and ministries of Grace. You are truly building bridges between Christ and our community in so many ways. This past week saw several new beginnings. MOPS had their first meeting on campus since mid-March and seeing all…

Leap of Faith

We are fast approaching the first day of school and this year it has been fraught with turmoil as parents and teachers are worried about attending classes in person. I invite everyone to keep our schools, school administration, teachers, parents, and students in your prayers as we begin this year in a different way. Some of our students will continue to do virtual…

A Roller Coaster

Hello Grace Family! This past week has been a difficult one for both my husband and me. It has been a roller coaster ride to be sure. It has also been a lesson in just how good God is. We all say, sometimes very cavalierly, that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love him. While we…


Hello Grace Family! Have you ever had a day where everything feels the same even looks the same but you know deep in your heart that something significant has changed? This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday. It is a threshold day. It is a day that marks a change from one reality into another. Threshold days leave us feeling a little like we…

On Turning 60

Today I enter into my 6th decade. It seems really weird to write that! Like George Bailey, I have been blessed with a wonderful life so far. It has had its ups and downs filled with both good times and bad. And now, today, here I am on my 60th birthday. I wasn’t sure about entering into a new decade and I…