Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Both of Grace UMC’s pastors share information via blogging. Pastor Steve Hart shares a message each week in the blog listing below, with his message also emailed out in our weekly Gracevine Newsletter. Associate Pastor Beth Burton also blogs, sharing thoughtful insights on faith and everyday life. Click here to visit Pastor Beth’s blog and see the latest messages from Pastor Steve below.

An Advent Goal: Sharing Encouragement and Hope

We are now approaching the second Sunday of Advent, less than three weeks from Christmas! My personal prayer this season is to stay focused on Jesus so that I am able to bring a sense of encouragement and hope to every encounter and interaction. This goal sounds easy enough, but the challenge lies in making time for God first, before tackling all…

What Does it Mean to be Remembered?

Thank you for your prayers for our Kairos team as we served in the prison last weekend. The Holy Spirit showed up and those of us who went thinking that we would bless others came away experiencing renewal and joy beyond anything that we gave. This is the way it works in God’s economy! This Sunday, November 24, I will be sharing…

Being a Church Devoted to Prayer

Recently, someone asked a pastor what she would request of her congregation if she could have anything. Her immediate response was “I would request a church devoted to prayer.” What a faithful response! We must never underestimate the power of prayer. So, I have some prayer requests. I am serving on a Kairos prison ministry team from Thursday, November 14 through Sunday,…

Recognizing Our Veterans

We have another weekend of ministry opportunities here at Grace. The Country Store is scheduled for Saturday morning in the fellowship hall, and we welcome volunteers for set-up on Friday at 6 pm. This is a quarterly event at Grace, and we are blessed to be able to provide cleaning supplies, pet food, and several other household items that many people cannot…

On Turning 60

Today I enter into my 6th decade. It seems really weird to write that! Like George Bailey, I have been blessed with a wonderful life so far. It has had its ups and downs filled with both good times and bad. And now, today, here I am on my 60th birthday. I wasn’t sure about entering into a new decade and I…

The Wonderful Tapestry of World Communion Sunday

This Sunday, October 6, is world communion Sunday. This is one of my favorite Sundays of the year. I love the wonderful, diverse tapestry that constitutes the body of Christ throughout the world. People of many races, languages, cultures and regions of the world worship God in a variety of ways. Jesus invites us all to a feast that is a celebration…

A Challenging Parable

Most of us would prefer it if the ethical, moral, and spiritual questions we face were easy to understand with clear, black and white answers. Unfortunately, the world in which we live is often filled with ethical dilemmas and challenges that involve uncertainty and more gray areas than we would prefer. Doing what is right is not always easy, nor is it…

Sharing God’s Love with New People

Are you ready for fall? Even though we do not experience much seasonal change in weather, the activity level at the church is a sure sign that we are approaching autumn. This Saturday, September 14, we are working on setting up the pumpkin patch. Come out and join us as we prepare. We start at 8:30 am. This Sunday, September 15, I…