This Sunday, November 27th, marks the first Sunday in Advent. The beginning of Advent marks the beginning of the Christian liturgical year. It is a season of waiting, as we wait the birth of Jesus. In fact, waiting is a major theme during this time of year. Our songs of Advent are filled with waiting images… “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” Our scriptures speak of longing as we wait… “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”
In addition to waiting, Advent also comes with an air of expectation…a looking forward to something that will bring light into the darkness of a weary world and hope into the hearts of all people. A way for the world and all its inhabitants to be reconciled to God our creator and through Jesus, our redeemer.
I invite you to come and worship together each Sunday as we wait for Christmas where we will celebrate the birth of Jesus who came to offer salvation for all people. And because we have been offered this amazing grace of forgiveness, we can extend forgiveness to those who have hurt us. God is in the work of restoration, and Jesus brings exactly what we need into this world, the light of hope, love, and ultimately, restoration. What a blessed season we are in.
So, please join us this Sunday for the first Sunday in Advent. Pastor Gary will bring his message to us as we “Come Home to Hope,” the first theme in this season of waiting.
Pastor Beth