This week I read an interesting article offering a positive, hope-filled vision of the Christian faith despite so much negative news. The author states, “What if we saw Christianity not as a fragile artifact to be clung to and defended but as something waiting to be made?” In other words, Jesus is alive and guiding us into a future that we, as his hands and feet on earth, have the privilege of helping him create. There is no time to lament what is wrong in the world as long as we have the opportunity (and responsibility) to make things better. What an encouraging perspective!
Shortly after noon this Sunday we are having “pizza with the pastors.” This will be a great opportunity to enjoy some relaxed time together. For those interested in learning more about Grace and the United Methodist Church generally, I hope you are able to attend.
This Sunday, September 10, the scripture passages are 1 Samuel 16:7 and Matthew 23: 25-28. Pastor Gary will be offering a message entitled “Developing Authentic Faith: Heart for God.” This topic reminds me that being honest and “real” in how we live into our faith is critical for our witness to the world. Pastor Gary’s message this week will be the first in a series on “authentic faith”, and I imagine we will be blessed by the entire series.
As always, I am grateful for the Grace UMC community and I am inspired by so many of you as you serve God’s kingdom. Life is hard for everyone at times, and a church community is such a gift as we navigate life’s challenges.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday!
Steve Hart