Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

From Every Nation

Another hurricane season in Florida finds us working through the unpredictable aspects of Mother Nature. I pray that you are safe and that you have avoided damage to your home as Ian moves past us. These storms disrupt our routines, and in the process they remind us that life is precious and fragile, and change can happen with very little notice. As Pastor Gary’s message from last week emphasized, it is a good time to focus on a “recovery of gratitude” for all that God does for us each day. 

God willing, our Red Bird mission team will leave on Saturday, October 1, for the trip to Kentucky. The Red Bird mission is an excellent example of how the United Methodist Church serves communities in need by providing practical help with daily living. Our United Methodist connection makes ministry opportunities possible in a variety of diverse settings, all to the glory of God. 

This Sunday, October 2, is World Communion Sunday. The scripture passages are Galatians 3: 28 and Acts 10: 34-38. I will be sharing a message entitled “From Every Nation.” I invite you to read Acts 10 prior to Sunday’s service and think about how the events described there were a “second conversion” experience for Peter. His first conversion was with Jesus at Caesarea Philippi, but the second conversion is important in our consideration of World Communion Sunday. I appreciate your prayers as I prepare for Sunday. 

Our music team received some well-deserved positive feedback regarding last Sunday’s worship music. I am so grateful for our music team, our sound technicians, and everyone who makes our music excellent each week. You all are a true blessing to this community. 

God willing, the storm will have passed us by Sunday. Let’s take time to come to worship this week and express gratitude for all that God has done for us. It will also be a time of prayer for those in our state who have suffered the brunt of damage from Ian. 

God bless you all, and I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Steve Hart