Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Self-Denial – Part Of The Dream

Recently, a Grace member shared with me a writing about the purpose of Lent. The word Lent comes from the same root word as “length.” We are being “lengthened”, or stretched, into the full stature of Christ through our disciplines. The writer states, “What Lent is really about is opening ourselves to someone else, about stretching ourselves, so that we can receive the gift of new life coming from God alone.” This is a reminder that Lent is not about “giving something up for God”, but rather, giving God the space to transform us from within. 

As we begin the spring break week for Brevard County Schools, I know that many of our families may be traveling. We pray for safety and positive family experiences for all involved. The years go by fast, making it very important to treasure our time with our children as they grow up. 

Saturday evening I will be attending the Via De Christo gathering at Grace starting at 6pm in the fellowship hall. This event is open to everyone, and dinner is provided. It is an ecumenical group of Christians who meet to offer support, prayer, and the gift of Christian community. Come check it out!

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night. Daylight savings time starts Sunday, so spring has really arrived!

This Sunday the scripture passage is Mark 8:27-30. Pastor Gary will offer a message entitled “Self-Denial-Part of The Dream.” If you were in worship the past couple of weeks, you have heard the first two messages in this series about the dream that we pursue as God’s calling in our lives. Pursuing that calling really is exciting, but this week’s message will focus on the difficult truth that self-denial is an inevitable part of the journey. What makes us willing to deny ourselves is the joy that comes from walking with Christ. 

If you have had a great week, come to worship and thank God for your blessings. If you have had a tough week, come to worship and release your burdens. Either way, I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Steve Hart