Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Gracevine Message (Page 26)

Memorial Day Weekend: Recognizing Sacrifice

Memorial Day weekend is considered the beginning of summer. The pace of life slows down as the end of the school year approaches. On the Sunday of Memorial day weekend, most churches offer some way of recognizing those men and women who have given their lives in service to their country. Of course, we must never confuse patriotism with Christian discipleship. However,…

God at Work in the World

In worship this Sunday, May 19, we will recognize our graduates from high school, college, and professional programs. We will also celebrate the fact that our preschool continues to thrive, as there are 38 graduates of our VPK program this year. The preschool has its VPK graduation next Wednesday, May 22, at 10:30 am in the sanctuary. We also look forward to…

Celebrating Confirmation Sunday & Mother’s Day

Did you know that the modern holiday that we know as Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908 at a United Methodist church in West Virginia? The church, St. Andrews United Methodist Church, now holds the International Mother’s Day Shrine. Recognizing and honoring Mother’s Day in church is always a little tricky. While we want to honor the wonderful mothers in our…

After the Resurrection

During the next four Sundays, our messages at Grace will focus on the life of the early church as described in the book of Acts. After Jesus’ resurrection, there were many transforming events in the lives of communities and individuals. The Holy Spirit empowered the early disciples to perform miracles similar to the miracles of Jesus. Those disciples in the first century…

A Post Easter “Thank You”

After this year’s Holy Week, all I can say is “Thank you”, again and again, to all of you who worked tirelessly to make the various events and services run smoothly. From our hard-working staff members, to all those involved in music ministry and technical support, to ushers and greeters and Stephen ministers and communion preparers and servers, I believe everyone’s efforts…

Easter 2019: Not Business As Usual

The scripture for Easter Sunday is Luke 24: 1-12. Of course, this is Luke’s version of the resurrection of Jesus. The two men (angels) who appeared in the tomb asked the women who were looking for Jesus, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” This one question is filled with meaning. When we celebrate Easter, we are celebrating life…

Join Us During Holy Week

Holy week begins on Palm Sunday and includes the entire week leading up to Easter. I have found that experiencing and participating in every aspect of Holy week strengthens my faith. From Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to the very personal and intimate time with the disciples on Maundy Thursday, to the darkness and agony of Good Friday, we…

Travel Light: Worship Often

I know that many Christians question the importance of regular, consistent church attendance. Sometimes the rationale for this questioning is the idea that we can study scripture and worship anywhere, even at home or with friends. However, the importance of consistent engagement in the life of the local church is rooted in our need to be present for new people who enter…

Seeing God’s Image at Grace

It is truly a wonderful time of year here on Merritt Island. I hope we can all appreciate the comfortable weather that is with us briefly, before the heat of summer comes in full force. Our campus looks especially nice, thanks to our trustees and many volunteers, including our lawn team, who work tirelessly because they love this church. Even on days…

Digging Deep During the Lenten Season

As we continue into the Lenten season, some of the scripture readings can be quite challenging. For example, Luke 13: 1-9, the passage that will form the basis of this Sunday’s message, clearly refers to fig trees that do not bear fruit being cut down, and thereby destroyed. This is a parable, and one way of reading it is to assume a…