Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Gracevine Message (Page 26)

Thinking Out Loud

How would you feel if your thoughts were broadcast to the world? Most of us are grateful that we get to “think before we speak” because not all of our immediate thoughts are appropriate for publication!  This Sunday, February 10, the message is entitled “Thinking Out Loud.” I will be focusing on Luke 7: 36-47. There is a meaningful parable in this…

How Can We Serve Our Community?

I get impatient with measuring the effectiveness of ministry with data related to worship attendance and membership. However, the mission of the United Methodist Church is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” If we are staying true to this mission, then we need to be aware of worship attendance trends and the number of new members…

Becoming a Leader Who’s Willing to Serve

I hope that you are enjoying an unusually cool January here on Merritt Island. This Sunday, January 27, we welcome a special speaker, Mr. Joe Iarocci, of the Cairnway Center for Servant Leadership. Joe previously served as the general counsel and CFO of CARE, the international relief organization based in Atlanta. With his background in law and his organizational leadership experience, Joe…

Lessons in the Parables

Jesus taught the disciples by using parables. Parables are more than simple stories, and they are different from allegories. Come to worship this Sunday as we explore the nature of parables. We will focus on the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector from Luke 18: 9-14. In the next couple of months, several of our messages will examine specific parables.…

Three Questions

As we progress into the new year, it is helpful to ask some basic questions about our identity and calling as followers of Jesus. I am encouraging everyone to ask three basic questions as an ongoing prayer in 2019. First, who are we? This is an invitation to verbalize our self-understanding, ranging from “beloved child of God” to “sinner saved by God’s…

How Do You Experience God?

As I have shared with many of you, I spent several years of my life without any involvement in church. When I made church a priority in my life, I was in my thirties. Gradually, over a period of months, I began to see my presence and participation in worship as central to my sense of purpose and meaning in life. My…

A Season of Joy & Challenges

I know that this time of year is both joyful and very challenging for many people. Whether you are struggling or very happy, it is the perfect time to embrace our shared faith in Christ through worship, prayer, and service. This weekend at Grace, we have the Gracenotes and Gracemen concert Saturday at 2 pm. This event includes a special time with…

Beginning Our Advent Journey

This Sunday, December 2, we begin our Advent journey. Advent is a time to wait and reflect upon our need for a savior to bring light and hope into a broken and hurting world. During the next four Sundays, we will explore the birth of Jesus through the eyes of the various characters in the story. For the first Sunday of Advent,…

Expressing Gratitude

How we experience and express gratitude demonstrates our understanding of God’s grace in our lives. Grateful hearts are joyful hearts, and joyful hearts provide hope for the world. Psalm 118 reminds us to “……give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His steadfast love endures forever.” This Thanksgiving, I pray that each of you can experience the love of family and…