Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

How Many Times?

I have been pleased to see a number of new faces at worship the past couple of weeks. I am offering a new member class starting Sunday, September 10, 2023. That is the Sunday when we will have “pizza with the pastors” after the 11amservice. The September 10 time together will be very informal, with the goal of getting to know each other better. Anyone interested in membership will receive a book that covers the basics of the United Methodist tradition, and we will discuss the book the following Sundays, September 17 and 24, at 10am. If you know anyone who is not yet a member of Grace UMC and is interested in learning more, encourage them to attend. One of my favorite aspects of this job is getting to know new people. 

I read an encouraging devotional by Chuck Swindoll this week related to anxiety and panic. He says that the common response to panic is to become afraid, then to run, then to fight, and finally, to tell everybody. God’s advice for us, as seen through many examples in scripture, is just the opposite. God calls us not to be afraid, to stand still, to watch him work, and to keep quiet. I need this advice, especially when I become impatient and fail to trust God. I hope you also see the value in this insight. 

This week’s scripture passages include Micah 6:8 and Nehemiah 5:1-12. Pastor Beth will offer a message entitled “How Many Times?”This message will be the third and final message in our series on justice. We could probably spend many more weeks on the topic of justice, because acting justly is rooted in the essence of Christian discipleship. We all have countless opportunities every day to act justly in our interactions with each person we meet. It is good to ask ourselves, periodically, how we are doing in this area of our lives. 

Thank you for the many ways you support Grace UMC as we serve the Merritt Island community. I look forward to seeing you in worship Sunday!

Steve Hart