Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Both of Grace UMC’s pastors share information via blogging. Pastor Steve Hart shares a message each week in the blog listing below, with his message also emailed out in our weekly Gracevine Newsletter. Associate Pastor Beth Burton also blogs, sharing thoughtful insights on faith and everyday life. Click here to visit Pastor Beth’s blog and see the latest messages from Pastor Steve below.

Reflecting on What God Has in Store

I’m back! It has been an excellent renewal leave for me to reflect on what God has in store for the future. The time away included a good mix of relaxation, study, prayer, and reflection. I am so grateful to our great staff and so many of you in the congregation who have served faithfully in my absence. During my leave, I…

The Voices of Women

As I prepare for my sermon this week, I am reminded of everything women have had to endure in order to be treated equally under the law. It was not that many years ago that women could not own property, would not be considered fit to raise their children if their marriage ended in divorce, could not go to college, could not…

Father’s Day & Our Heavenly Father

Wow! We had an awesome Vacation Bible School week. Our campus was filled with the laughter of children and the excitement of learning about Jesus. We are so grateful to all our volunteers. You were Amazing! No matter how big or small the job was you stepped up just like Isaiah and said: “Here I am!” What a blessing you were to…

VBS and the Cycle of Change

Wow! Monday is the first day of Vacation Bible School! We are so excited about hosting an in-person VBS this year. Niki has made lots of plans. We have a lot of wonderful volunteers and over 70 children who will be on campus learning about Jesus and how he loves them and how God is always there for them in all circumstances.…

The Privilege of Pastoral Ministry

As many of you are aware, I am currently spending time on renewal leave. This means that I am taking a few weeks away from my normal preaching and church leadership duties to study, reflect, plan, and relax as I ask for God’s Holy Spirit to recharge my batteries. I am very grateful that our United Methodist Church provides this opportunity for…

Mindfully Preparing for Summer

It seems almost impossible that we are coming to the close of the month of May and summertime will be here with all the fun and good times summer offers. This year we will be able to travel, attend camps, have social gatherings, cookouts, and many other activities we were not able to do last summer. We are coming into the time…

Graduation Season: A Time for New Beginnings

I pray you are all doing well. Everyone at the church is gearing up for all the graduations that are happening in our community. We will be offering a prayer for our graduates at this Sunday’s service as we have several families who will be celebrating the high school and college graduations of their sons and daughters. And Grace preschool is getting…

Calling All VBS Volunteers

Greetings Grace Family! I am excited about all the events that are beginning to fill the church calendar. Although I had forgotten how many meetings there are, I am grateful we are seeing light at the end of this pandemic tunnel. This past Sunday we began congregational singing after 14 long months (with masks on still). We are looking at other activities…

A Time of Renewal

Dear Grace Family: I am terribly excited for the opportunity to serve this church and community for a seventh year starting July 1, 2021. Between now and then, I will be involved in study, prayer, and planning. After serving full-time as a United Methodist pastor for the last thirteen years, I am taking my first renewal leave (for May and June). Our…