Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Posts by Pastor Beth Burton (Page 2)

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Dear Grace Family, This Sunday is the third Sunday in Advent. It is the Sunday we celebrate the theme of Joy. So, I find it more than a little ironic that the lectionary reading for today finds John the Baptist in prison sending his disciples out to ask Jesus, “Are you the one we are to expect? Or should we look for another?” John seems filled with doubt and…

Coming Home To Hope

This Sunday, November 27th, marks the first Sunday in Advent. The beginning of Advent marks the beginning of the Christian liturgical year. It is a season of waiting, as we wait the birth of Jesus. In fact, waiting is a major theme during this time of year. Our songs of Advent are filled with waiting images… “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” Our scriptures speak…

A Seat at the Table

I have been back in Florida after a vacation to Ohio where we had both our family reunion and I had my high school class reunion for almost two weeks. It was a wonderful time away. I so enjoyed seeing family and friends. Some of those friends I hadn’t  seen since high school graduation! It was time filled with lots of laughter…

My Heart: Christ’s Home – Part 4

What an exciting week we will have as we host a Family with Family Promise for the first time in a while. I am so grateful for all who volunteer to help and make our families feel special and welcome. This is the gift of hospitality. Making sure all those who come into your life, no matter how long or short a time…

The Language Of Home

This Sunday will be Pentecost Sunday. We will celebrate what we traditionally view as the birth of the church. But is it? We believe that the church began at this point because this is when God’s Holy Spirit came down and as Luke describes it: “They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of…

The Voices of Women

As I prepare for my sermon this week, I am reminded of everything women have had to endure in order to be treated equally under the law. It was not that many years ago that women could not own property, would not be considered fit to raise their children if their marriage ended in divorce, could not go to college, could not…

Father’s Day & Our Heavenly Father

Wow! We had an awesome Vacation Bible School week. Our campus was filled with the laughter of children and the excitement of learning about Jesus. We are so grateful to all our volunteers. You were Amazing! No matter how big or small the job was you stepped up just like Isaiah and said: “Here I am!” What a blessing you were to…

VBS and the Cycle of Change

Wow! Monday is the first day of Vacation Bible School! We are so excited about hosting an in-person VBS this year. Niki has made lots of plans. We have a lot of wonderful volunteers and over 70 children who will be on campus learning about Jesus and how he loves them and how God is always there for them in all circumstances.…

Mindfully Preparing for Summer

It seems almost impossible that we are coming to the close of the month of May and summertime will be here with all the fun and good times summer offers. This year we will be able to travel, attend camps, have social gatherings, cookouts, and many other activities we were not able to do last summer. We are coming into the time…