Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Both of Grace UMC’s pastors share information via blogging. Pastor Steve Hart shares a message each week in the blog listing below, with his message also emailed out in our weekly Gracevine Newsletter. Associate Pastor Beth Burton also blogs, sharing thoughtful insights on faith and everyday life. Click here to visit Pastor Beth’s blog and see the latest messages from Pastor Steve below.

Sacrifice, Fear, and Provision

Dear Grace Family: Thank you all for your compliance with our procedures for in-person worship and for the use of the church facilities. Everything has gone well so far. I hope that those of you who are in any high-risk category will continue to worship online at home, particularly as we see spikes in covid-19 cases in Florida. For those who choose…

Father’s Day Weekend

Dear Grace Family: This Sunday’s message will be based upon six short verses of scripture, Matthew 10: 34-39. The passage includes Jesus’ saying that “whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” The message is entitled “The Promised Land and the Sword of Jesus.”   In our current environment, one way that we take up…


Dear Grace Family: First of all, thank you so much for your faithfulness over the past three months! Many of you have been very generous with your giving, and your staff and the community appreciate it very much. I am also very grateful for our team of folks who work each week to put together our online service. Tom Black, Nick Barth,…

A Roller Coaster

Hello Grace Family! This past week has been a difficult one for both my husband and me. It has been a roller coaster ride to be sure. It has also been a lesson in just how good God is. We all say, sometimes very cavalierly, that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love him. While we…


Dear Grace Family: This week, we received word from our conference leadership that our United Methodist churches are allowed to hold in-person worship services beginning on June 21. Our team here at Grace is working diligently on safety plans for when we resume in-person worship. Please pray for all of those involved in this process, as it is challenging.  We will release…

Memorial Day

Dear Grace Family: As we enter the Memorial Day weekend, I imagine that many of us have loved ones, friends, and acquaintances who died in military service. It is a time to appreciate and to honor their sacrifice. As Jesus taught, “…greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. We honor…


Dear Grace Family: What is a good thing that you have learned about yourself or your family as a result of this pandemic? We have all learned many challenging and unpleasant things, but it is important to ask ourselves about the good things. I have learned that I benefit greatly from more consistent time with my family and more consistent time alone.…

Mother’s Day Weekend!

Dear Grace Family: I would never have anticipated when 2020 began that we would not have public worship on Mother’s Day weekend. While circumstances are not as we would prefer, I am grateful that, as far as I am aware, no members of Grace have tested positive for covid-19. We continue to pray for God’s daily guidance in making the best decisions…

Real Community

Dear Grace Family: Being separated from our routine community life offers an opportunity to reflect upon what our community means to us. Despite the distinctly American emphasis upon individualism and personal freedom, human beings were made to live in community with each other. We need time alone, but too much isolation is not healthy for any of us. Personally, I miss many…


Dear Grace Family: I miss you all! This has been a strange several weeks. While I am grateful for the technology that makes online worship possible, it is not the same as worshipping in person. God willing, we will return to some form of in-person worship before the end of May.  In the meanwhile, I am excited to share that we will close…