Both of Grace UMC’s pastors share information via blogging. Pastor Steve Hart shares a message each week in the blog listing below, with his message also emailed out in our weekly Gracevine Newsletter. Associate Pastor Beth Burton also blogs, sharing thoughtful insights on faith and everyday life. Click here to visit Pastor Beth’s blog and see the latest messages from Pastor Steve below.
We have a great opportunity to help members of our community by attending BRIGHT’s Nehemiah Action on Monday, April 24th. It will be held at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy in Melbourne from 6:30p to 8:30p. The doors will open at 5:30 and there are tickets available in the church office to help expedite your sign in. We have two members who will be in the church…
We have all heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat.” Personally, I am not a fan of this phrase. In fact, curiosity, investigation, and exploration make life more full, interesting and exciting. I think the teachings of Jesus encourage curiosity. Jesus was often moving and encountering new people, new situations, and new challenges. Of course, fear of the unknown was never a…
Here we are on Good Friday, a day that calls for somber reflection. Recently, I read an article about the nature of evil in our world. What would cause a group of people to demand the crucifixion of an innocent man? The author explained that “evil uses people’s anxieties, fears, and prejudices to twist good intentions into cruel deeds.” The leaders who facilitated…
I recently read about a pastor who collects wooden donkeys. This pastor attaches great meaning to the donkeys because early in her career, someone told her, “If God could use a donkey (on Palm Sunday) to carry Jesus into the city, God can use us, too.” This served as a reminder that God can take us all, with our insecurities and flaws, and…
Recently, in my daily Bible reading, I read Eugene’s Peterson’s comments on Titus 2: 1-6. Peterson explained that in order to build Christian community, “we need a few souls in whom love is gently at work, covering a multitude of sins.” I see that in so many of you, and for that I am grateful. To me, love being “gently at work”…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Recently, a set of circumstances required me to reflect upon the last 33 years of my life. Initially, I was not eager to complete this exercise, as I viewed it as unnecessary busywork. However, as I remembered events and people from the past, a deep sense of gratitude welled up within me. I realized, after looking back at…
Recently, a Grace member shared with me a writing about the purpose of Lent. The word Lent comes from the same root word as “length.” We are being “lengthened”, or stretched, into the full stature of Christ through our disciplines. The writer states, “What Lent is really about is opening ourselves to someone else, about stretching ourselves, so that we can receive…
When you hear the phrase “Amazing Grace”, what comes to mind? Is it the lyrics of the hymn, or is it a personal experience from your life? When in your life do you specifically remember experiencing God’s Grace, and how did you feel as a result? I ask this question because the answer may inspire us to live into God’s calling in…
We are now in the season of Lent, and I recently read something by Eugene Peterson about the process of self-examination that is a critical part of Lenten practice. Peterson says, “No matter how many things our examination turns up, scrapping the life within us isn’t an option. God created this life, he has entered into it, he has provided the means…
I have mentioned before that I enjoy my Message Devotional Bible and particularly the reflections from Eugene Peterson that it contains. One such reflection is an analogy from how fruit grows to how we grow spiritually. We cannot force the growth and health of fruit, and if fruit is not consumed within certain time constraints, the fruit will spoil. So it is…