Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Gracevine Message (Page 25)

The Wonderful Tapestry of World Communion Sunday

This Sunday, October 6, is world communion Sunday. This is one of my favorite Sundays of the year. I love the wonderful, diverse tapestry that constitutes the body of Christ throughout the world. People of many races, languages, cultures and regions of the world worship God in a variety of ways. Jesus invites us all to a feast that is a celebration…

A Challenging Parable

Most of us would prefer it if the ethical, moral, and spiritual questions we face were easy to understand with clear, black and white answers. Unfortunately, the world in which we live is often filled with ethical dilemmas and challenges that involve uncertainty and more gray areas than we would prefer. Doing what is right is not always easy, nor is it…

Sharing God’s Love with New People

Are you ready for fall? Even though we do not experience much seasonal change in weather, the activity level at the church is a sure sign that we are approaching autumn. This Saturday, September 14, we are working on setting up the pumpkin patch. Come out and join us as we prepare. We start at 8:30 am. This Sunday, September 15, I…

Humility and Service

Many thanks to all of you who have already contributed to the fund for a new air conditioning unit for the sanctuary. We are off to a good start in raising the needed funds. If you are able and wish to contribute, just make a notation on your check or in your giving envelope that the funds are designated for “sanctuary A/C”.…

We Were Made to Thrive

I often hear people lament the absence of youth and young adults in worship. Most churches struggle with how to engage and keep young people active in the life of the church. Friends, I have good news! We have a great opportunity this Sunday, August 18, to celebrate and affirm our youth ministry here at Grace. Our Youth Director, Matt Gleason, shares…

Back to School Blessings & More on God’s Calling

It is back-to-school time again! Teachers are already back at work preparing for the new school year, and students start back in Brevard County on Monday, August 12. We will take time in all our worship services Sunday to pray for all our teachers, administrators, students, and parents as we start the new year. Our Grace United Methodist Preschool also starts back…

Responding to God’s Call in Our Lives

I am very grateful to Pastor Beth and all the staff at Grace for their good work that allowed me and my family to enjoy an excellent vacation this year. It is so good to leave for vacation knowing that the church is filled with committed, competent leaders. This Sunday, August 4, the scripture passages for worship will be Colossians 3: 1-4…