Services at 9 & 11 AM in the Sanctuary & Available Online
65 Needle Boulevard
In the Heart of Merritt Island, FL

Both of Grace UMC’s pastors share information via blogging. Pastor Steve Hart shares a message each week in the blog listing below, with his message also emailed out in our weekly Gracevine Newsletter. Associate Pastor Beth Burton also blogs, sharing thoughtful insights on faith and everyday life. Click here to visit Pastor Beth’s blog and see the latest messages from Pastor Steve below.

Relationship With Self and Others

Every year as the day of pumpkin patch opening approaches, I become a bit weary because I know that the month of October will be hectic. There is significant work involved in preparing for the patch, and I see it all from the perspective of the excellent team that my wife Colleen leads. However, each year, on the day of pumpkin unloading,…

Relationship With God

I personally know several of our United Methodist clergy from the Ft. Myers area, and the devastation that the area has experienced is heartbreaking. I have been encouraged by the manner in which so many of our churches have come together to help those in need. Churches in the Lakeland and Tampa areas have sent truckloads of supplies to the area this…

From Every Nation

Another hurricane season in Florida finds us working through the unpredictable aspects of Mother Nature. I pray that you are safe and that you have avoided damage to your home as Ian moves past us. These storms disrupt our routines, and in the process they remind us that life is precious and fragile, and change can happen with very little notice. As…

Recovery of Gratitude

Recently, I read a quote from a song entitled “We Fall Down” by Donnie McClurkin. The quote is, “A saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.” I love this reminder that even though we all make mistakes and fail from time to time, those who choose to learn from failure and try again are often blessed with grace…

Money Talks

Our official mortgage burning celebration is this Saturday starting at 11:00am for gathering, 12:00pm for lunch, and a short ceremony following lunch. We look forward to seeing Pastors Pearcy and Corbin at the event. I hope you will take the time to come out and just enjoy this special time together. Many of you have supported this church through some tough financial challenges over the years,…

Who Do You Follow?

For several years now, my wife Colleen has been the pumpkin patch coordinator here at Grace. Even during the pandemic year of 2020, Colleen led our busiest pumpkin patch in Grace’s history. Our pumpkin patch is well-known on Merritt Island and in the surrounding community as a welcoming, fun place for families. Every year, we meet new families coming to take pictures…

Labor Day Weekend

Here we are at the beginning of another Labor Day weekend. I recently learned that Labor Day has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1894. An article I read stated that during the late 1800s, “ the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks in order to eke out a basic living.” Personally, I am grateful that we…

A Seat at the Table

I have been back in Florida after a vacation to Ohio where we had both our family reunion and I had my high school class reunion for almost two weeks. It was a wonderful time away. I so enjoyed seeing family and friends. Some of those friends I hadn’t  seen since high school graduation! It was time filled with lots of laughter…

A Consuming Fire

Our preschool is open again as we begin a new school year. The Grace UMC preschool continues to serve families with excellent teachers and staff, and we are excited to meet new parents and children as the new school year begins. Please remember that children may be present if you drive through our parking lot during the week, so drive slowly and…

11 Years of Our Country Store!

Thanks to all the in-person volunteers, and those that made donations for this past Saturday’s Country Store. We were able to serve 84 clients and give out 108 backpacks for the school age children and 96 sack lunches. It is hard to believe, but with this store we finished our eleventh year of doing this ministry at the church. Thank you to all that…